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Legal Name : SMC REAL ESTATE ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED Registered Address: 3RD FLOOR, 11/5 B, PUSA ROAD, NEW DELHI, New Delhi, Delhi, 110005
Disclaimer : The information provided herein have been collected from publicly available sources, and is yet to be verified as per RERA rules. The information sources used here include onsite interviews, marketing material and other information sources on the internet. These data have not yet been verified against authentic documents, and are only indicative of the actual situation of this property, project or land holding, and their ownership. At SMC, we provide this information to help our users find publicly available data in a structured format. We are in the process of connecting with the relevant owners and verifying the data as per the provisions of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. We will keep updating the information here regularly. Further we does not intent to market or sell any project by providing this information, please consider this data and information as indicative and use your judgement and verify any information before making any decision.
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